Monday, August 25, 2008

Batman and the Hostile Me

Batman and the Hostile Me...

I saw the latest installment yesterday. I was sitting in the fourth row. When “The End” flashed, I jumped up and jumped to “The Exit” which was in front of me and out to where my black batmobile was waiting. For a moment there was total darkness, but I knew there was going to be a door there, and vaguely I could see the bar there that I needed to hit... The door burst open, and there was the black batmobile, and of course, daylight. The dog was in the backseat. Unusual, I thought, unlocking the door, and then, well as I ignited the batmobile, I said, I asked the dog: Are you pissed off... She looked very pissed off.

I shrugged my shoulders; what could I do... I pulled away from the curb. I had a plan; round the corner, round the corner, then left, and to Carkeek Park, where I could run her, and tire her, and then, well, go home and drink beer.

Ah, but round the corner, there was a RED LIGHT, and well, an IDIOT, that couldn’t figure out how the heck to leave enough room on his RIGHT to let someone turn RIGHT (me) when he (him) wanted to turn left, and so I had to wait (well, rage), before the light turned green, and then, of course, when I got to the next light, I had to wait for, before turning left, I realized, well, it wouldn’t have made any difference.

I ran the dog in the park; she wore herself out...

I couldn’t help but remember my anger. There was something about that movie that I didn’t like.


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