Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Awhile back I panned a Van Heflin performance from the '50s, and deservedly so, but after watching a B-flick cop story with Broderick Crawford, from the same era, I realized just how bad Van was, mainly because of just how good B.C. was...  The movie was Down Three Dark Streets, and was in the style of a Dragnet tale (though FBI, but still in L.A.), I'm pretty sure with the same narrator, and definitely with the same narrative style of voice over explication of the mundane.  The thing about Broderick is that he doesn't really seem to care about the product; isn't intimidate by what a piece of shit movie this is; rather, he'll crack a smile, or frown in a concerned way, and you're reminded of a real person - perhaps an uncle or a friend.   I shouldn't really say piece of shit movie - is always fairly interesting to see '50s flicks just for the time travel effect.  The backgrounds, the foregrounds have their own fascinations - it isn't someone's imagined version of history.  And regardless of the melodrama(s) - or the cheezy narration - it was well filmed on location and most of the actors were o.k. - Mr. B.C. of course being better.  Definitely not running from the taxman.


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