Tuesday, March 31, 2009


During the nineteen-nineties I was always wondering why various copyrights were listed as MCMLXXXX... - when the reality is, when you don't think in decimal, but rather in Roman, you'd use MXM... or MVM when you got to 1995.   This I believe is two-fold.  One, the Roman's had a wonderful laziness about their math, that got convuluted down the road.  And the other is how blind we are.  We are truly pathetic...  Oh, cry me a river.

During the nineteen-nineties, I often wondered why Bryant Gumbel didn't make an uproar over the mistake of 'not' using MXM...!   I used to think this while the Today show listed its copyright as MCMLXXXX...

But then when you think about it, wasn't the whole last half of that century just wrong...  shouldn't it have been MLM and not MCML?


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