Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Movies I'd Like to See

Since I've not been consuming films at the pace I'd like, I thought I'd post a list of some of the movies I'd like to see but haven't. If anyone would care to recommend others or to criticize any of my choices, please feel free.

- The Aviator
I heard Martin Scorsese talking about shooting some scenes from the perspective of a rack of towels or something absurd like that. Eh, artists--who the hell knows how they think. And his last films have not been that great--Bringing Out the Dead was mediocre at best; Gangs of New York was good. But hey--it's a great director shooting pictures of really cool airplanes. How could that go wrong?

- Million Dollar Baby
This does not look like a good film, really, but I do like Clint Eastwood, and I'm impressed by the fact that the marketing of the movie is not emphasizing the fact that the young boxer is a woman. That seems fairly progressive to me, though it's also a measure of just how little it takes these days for me to be impressed.

- Sideways
Mainly because I can't believe so many people think this is a good movie--it looks like a fairly typical upper-middle-class-white-middle-aged-guy-having-a-crisis film, with a snooty whine, oops, I mean wine metaphor overlaid. But people I respect say it's a great film, so go figure.

- The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
- Motorcycle Diaries
- Hero
- Napolean Dynamite
- Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgandy
- Garden State
- Silver City
- Maria Full of Grace
- Spiderman 2
- The Assassination of Richard Nixon

- Far From Heaven
- Ararat
- Moonlight Mile
- Mystic River


Blogger thatgirlkelly said...

Regarding analysis is RIGHT ON! Though I really like Paul Giamani (spelling?) the movie wasn't all that...don't get me wrong, it was enjoyable, just NOT ALL THAT. His performance in American Splendor was far and above the better of the two.

Movies on your lists that I am also interested in seeing....

- The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
- Motorcycle Diaries
- Million dollar Baby

Movies on your list I havn't even heard of.....
- Hero
- The Assassination of Richard Nixon
- Silver City
- Far From Heaven
- Ararat
- Moonlight Mile

Movies on you list I've Seen (with ratings out of 5 stars)....

- Mystic River ***1/2 sometimes i just want to smack Sean Penn
- Garden State **** one moment really ticked me will know it when you see it.
- Napolean Dynamite **** for pure quirk value

Movies not your list that I want to see

- Kinseay
- Closer
- The Incredibles

8:51 AM  

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