Friday, December 11, 2009

The Eye of Sybil

I found it odd this summer, well, and now fall, that I was reading this book called The Eye of Cybele by some Paraguan - or was it Uruguay? - or Paraquayan - and it was a book about fucking Alcibiades! My god, it was only a year ago I found out about this dude, and here's the ... (I'm sure there's some Dignified reference to this in my past.) And it's really about 'fucking' Alcibiades, or this girl, who sort of does. - well she dance's and is the Queen of the Rump Dance, or something like that, where she dances, and fucks, with a bare bottom. Oh, my, god! For some reason Alcibiades was very attracted.

And the next book I read, (the witch of porto...) was about a witch named Athena, and well, Alcibiades, and Athens, and well, the girl with the bare bottom, were all about Athena, and well, so should I, her being the goddess of wisdom and all, but... I hated the Witch of Portobella!

But then yesterday, I was thinking about how in that book the witch was dancing too...

Yesterday or the day before I finished The Castle of Otranto, my in-between book of a hundred or so pages, of ... Today, I drove by this brick building that looked like some '60's architecture, with glass and brick, empty, not on the right commercial path, with a concrete sidewalk and weeds (even in winter) sprouting up through the cracks; and for some reason I was reminded of some summer day, that I personally never experienced, that occurred some summer day, perhaps 50 years ago, on that self same sidewalk, where the sun was pouring down, and foretelling the weeds, and the desertion.

Yesterday, I started Melmoth the Wanderer. I think I've stumbled on a masterpiece. Well, I've only read 26 pages... Chapter 1 ends, I think, on page 23. It is Irish; and it is protestant Irish. And it makes me wonder if that 'protestant' isn't against the pope, but rather, and perhaps, against the religion. For the Irish you know have their own folklore.

Today, I finished the first chapter. You might say the titular character died at the end. But then I've only just begun. But in the midst of that first chapter I was confronted with a character known as a Sybil, reference to Virgil, (I believe); but then I could not help but think of Cybele - who according to the Paraguayan - no the Uruguayan (I've checked the back of the book) (his name is Chavarria) - was the mother goddess of all time - or at least according to one of his characters - and I wondered if there was a correlation between Sybil and Cybele, and Athena and me... Oh well, I'm looking forward to this read. The author, Charles Robert Maturin, writes very densely; but the imagery he drew, at least in the first chapter was close, was right there, something I could see, and hear, and well, was scarey, made the hairs stand at attention and salute!

Merry 10's.
